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A free and open source guide to building accessible, usable, and inclusive play-by-post roleplaying sites.


Scripts, snippets, and other tools to help make it simpler to develop and run a play-by-post roleplaying game. All named after fictional planets.

Note that this is just a directory; the tools themselves live each in their own repository on GitHub.


YAGPDB Discord bot custom commands


Theme utility scripts

A collection of random little utility scripts useful in custom themes.


CLI theme compiler

A command-line interface (CLI) tool to transform a directory full of theme files into a single, Jcink-importable XML file.


Discord messages via webhook

A form you can fill out from within your browser to send and edit messages on Discord via webhook. This can be helpful in informational channels where server staff can all send and edit messages shown under a shared display name.

Be careful! Webhook URLs essentially contain a password within in the URL. Anybody who has the URL can send messages to the channel, even if their own account isn’t in the server.


The claim code generator

Vogsphere is a tool that enables you to create a claims form on your site. Instead of editing code, your members can just fill out that form to generate exactly what they need to post to make their claims. No more code typos for you to deal with, no more trying to sift through code for them. Win-win.